Tamas Ayurveda distiished pure Hibiscus Oil is extensively beneficial for stimulating hair growth preventing dandruff hair fall dryness frizz itchiness split ends premature graying of hair etc. Hibiscus oil is rich in alpha-hydroxy acids vitamins A C and amino acids which hold numerous benefits for your hair. Hibiscus oil is loaded with antiwhich protect skin from free radicand daily environmental impurities. The AHAs found in hibiscus o act as natural exfoliators that help wipe away dead skin cells for the surface of the skin. Directions:- Hair: Take generous quantity of Tamas Pure Hibiscus Oil and gently massage on your scalp. Keep it for about 30 minutes for best results. Skin: Take equal parts of hibiscus and honey and it to freshly brewed coffee grinds (about half a cup) and mix well. Apply on damp makeup free skin and gently exfoliate the face and neck. This is great for under-eye baggage and waking up your complexion — a perfect morning facial!