CURCUMA PLUSAntioxidants are phytochemicals vitamins and other nutrient dense substances that fight free radicals.! Antioxidants act like scavengers for free radicals giving them one of their electrons. The key is that antioxidants continue to be stable even if they donate an electron. Hence antioxidants have a stabilizing effect that can repair damage and prevent more from happening. Antioxidants also improve your body's immune system helping you fight off colds and out of control cell reproduction. The free radical theory of ageing suggests that cells accumulate free radical damage over time and that long-term damage leads to the release of inflammatory molecules and visual signs of ageing such as loss of elasticity and skin tone. Damage caused by free radicals can also contribute to major illnesses such as Parkinson's disease. It has been shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables which have high antioxidant levels can increase lifespan and give protection against certain diseases. It could therefore be assumed that antioxidants with their free radical neutralising properties could also be used as a preventative measure. IMUPLUSDisorders of the immune system can result in autoimmune diseases inflammatory diseases and cancer. Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active than normal resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. The weakening of immune protection the body's main line of defence usually results in many unhealthy conditions. Common quick relief methods of treatment only temporarily ease the symptoms they don't provide any preventative measures. The Ayurvedic alternative however is aimed at building up the body's own defence mechanisms to prevent negative conditions.